It has been a good 2 years since I've watched A Hard Day's Night and I forgot how fantastic it is and how hilarious all four Beatles are. I mean even Ringo and George are hot in it! My old roommate and I would watch it for hours and hours on end trying to decide which Beatle was cuter and which one was the better singer/songwriter. Now in all those years and hours of arguments I never noticed that the guy who plays Paul's grandfather "John McCartney" oddly looks like "Mr. Slugworth" from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. I'm not sure if the resemblance is due to the fact that they are both very odd characters. "John McCartney" is slightly crazy and makes Ringo runaway. While "Mr. Slugworth" follows the golden ticket finders into dark tunnels or staircases in a factory trying to get his hands on Everlasting Gobstopers.
I was pretty sure that they weren't the same person; I had to check it out on imdb.com, which verified that they were in fact two completely different men. However I'm still slightly convinced that they are the same person or long lost brothers.
Haha, good point. There are actually freakishly simialar to eachother. To be honest i wouldn't want to see either in my dreams at night that is for sure. =)